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We shall endeavor to offer QUALITY SERVICE to our valued customers by working smarter, differently and proactively.

We shall keep our promises and build LOYALTY and TRUST in our rapport. Ariva Logistics will encourage a stimulating and rewarding environment to raise the LEVEL OF ENGAGEMENT of each team member.

We shall all ensure SUSTAINABLE GROWTH and maximize return to our shareholders.

We shall nurture our sense of AGILITY to ensure continuous adaptation to the ever-changing business landscape.

Our team will act responsibly to protect the environment and make Ariva Logistics a GOOD CORPORATE CITIZEN.

Vision Statement

To be the most reliable logistics service Provider offering competitive solutions to our business partners in the region.

Our Values

Team Spirit
Ariva Logistics is a full member of the International Air Transport Association, IATA, and a member of the Association of Freight Forwarders, APT, in Mauritius. Through this National Association, Ariva is a member of FIATA.

Ariva Logistics offer a full array of freight solutions and our core competencies are:

Air Freight Management
Road transportation
Trucking services
Ariva Logistics has established a complete logistics and service framework from which we provide our customers and business partners with:

Improved transportation flexibility and enhanced operational control.
Exceptional and accurate customer service.
Safe and Cost effective Air and Ocean transportation based on innovation and performance.
Ariva Logistics is active in the transport of wearing apparels, building & construction materials, perishables cargo, foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals products, vehicles and personal effects.

Ariva Logistics also participates in the handling of PROJECT CARGO with the help and consistency of its reliable partners around the globe.

The company is backed by solid shareholders, with decades of existence, and who have been actively involved in the Mauritian economy.

Ariva logistics is an international freight forwarding company headquartered in Tombeau Bay, Mauritius, within the vicinity of the port of Mauritius. The company is manned with talented and skillful personnel in specific fields at the port and airport.

Over the years Ariva Logistics has developed a solid reputation of a customer-centric organization (we put customer first). Building on this successful formula, the company has expanded in the Indian Ocean region and created a network of business partners and agents in over 800 cities around the world to support our customers with all their international transportation and logistics requirements anywhere across the world.
