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WTA China was established back in 2006.
The primary focus is to service WTA Group business, including WTA UK and WTA USA, plus our key partners around the globe.

WTA China has also established a comprehensive list of Freehand businesses including fortune 500 companies.

Service Excellence
Every day we strive to deliver service excellence to our clients, not only in handling shipments exported or imported from around the globe but to develop comprehensive EDI connections so that information can seamlessly transfer between systems, meaning that processes are digitalised, easily tracked which allows our clients to focus on the core aspects of their business.

Creative and Informed Decisions
Not only do we focus on our clients business, but we have established key relationships with all the major carriers which is critical when it comes to peak season but to also secure rates that are competitive in the marketplace.

Services that we can provide you
International Sea & Air Freight
Temperature Controlled Shipping
Marine Insurance
Customs Clearance
Transport Packaging Solutions
Transport Distribution
With offices in key locations, including Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong we are well-positioned to find creative and informed solutions to ensure that your business is handled as efficiently as possible.
