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Our management has a passion for its job, for its stakeholders and cooperate in order to get a profitable and sustainable business model.

All our personnel is committed to customer satisfaction as a defined target for our company success; if we said we can do it, WE WILL DELIVER!

Our process and IT are customer driven, therefore flexible enough to adapt to the everchanging supply chain models of our customers.

Our Mission is reflected in the concept ALPI WITH C.A.R.E.

Commitment, Accountability, Relationship and Expertise are at the heart of our business philosophy; through these values we strive to make the difference in the freight and logistics industry.

Commitment: at ALPI a service requested is a promise to deliver. Your satisfaction is our satisfaction.

Accountability: at ALPI we create solutions that solve real problems in a complicated world; we get involved in first person, we won’t let you down. Your success is our success.

Relationship: customers are opportunities for us, not simple transactions; to us relationship matters today as it did 75 years ago. Your value is our value.

Expertise: at ALPI we take care of our people so that they can take care of your goods. Business professionals are trained and raised so you don’t have to guess, you just have to ask.
