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Boomerang carnets® UK is a U.K. registered company headquartered at The Hallmark Building at 52 – 56 Leadenhall Street, London, EC3A 2EB and has its National ATA Carnet Service Center in Liverpool at Suites G08-G10, Cotton Exchange Building, Bixteth Street, Liverpool, L3 9LQ. It is at Leadenhall Street that boomerang carnets® UK was established in 2014 to partner with the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce to provide ATA Carnets to U.K. exporters. Ownership
Boomerang carnets® UK is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kernow Capital Corporation (KCC) (aka boomerang carnets® in the U.S.) which has been issuing U.S. ATA Carnets as an appointed U.S. ATA Carnet Service Provider since 1987.
