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The history and origins of Carpenters Fiji Limited dates back to as early as 1914. The Carpenters Group of Companies have established itself as the largest private sector enterprise in Fiji. It engages in a multitudinous area of commercial activity involving most sectors of the economy trading under the following names:

Morris Hedstrom
Maxval-u Supermarkets
MH Homemaker
Cellar Masters
Carpenters Hardware
One Stop Trading
Carpenters Shipping
Carpenters Finance
Carpenters Properties
The Carpenters Group provides job opportunity to over 6000 employees in the South Pacific region. The name “Carpenters” itself has evolved over the years into the status of a household name in Fiji Island signifying strength, stability and dependability.

The Carpenters group is strongly represented in the South Pacific region having extensive commercial interest in Fiji, Papua New Guinea. The parent MBf Group of Companies is a dynamic fast expanding conglomerate based in Malaysia. Through its numerous subsidiary, associate and affiliate companies, it has diverse commercial interest in Malaysia, Thailand, Tonga, China, Singapore, Philippines, Australia and the United States of America. CARPENTERS SHIPPING OVERVIEW
Since commencement of operations over hundred years ago, Carpenters Shipping today occupies the enviable position of being the leading Shipping and Total Logistic Provider in Fiji.

It is indeed no secret that much of our success is owed to our dedicated team of professionals committed to providing the best of service the industry has to offer, Carpenters Shipping is proud of its achievements to be the only Shipping company in Fiji to be ISO 9001:2008 Certified as we continually endeavour to improve our operations to maintain an efficient and quality conscious service to the customer.

We offer the following well-diversified range of services to ensure our clients are able to have the “Carpenters Advantage”.
