SOMATRA is a human-sized company created in 1959 and which has gradually established itself as a reference on the international transport market. Based in Switzerland , the company has continued to modernize to best meet the needs of its customers and offer ever more attractive prices.
From the freight forwarding office in Bardonnex to event logistics without forgetting the specificity of SOMATRA linked to the passion of its managers for horse riding ; small business has now become big.
Always close to its customers through its family management, SOMATRA has built its reputation on the quality of its services and its ability to respond to the most delicate missions such as the transport of medical emergencies, turnkey factories, or products toxic.
Another strong point of the company which made the history of SOMATRA, its so- called complete services . SOMATRA is more than a carrier, it is a customs facility , it is administrative support, it is the assembly of your deliveries on site but it is above all a qualified and motivated team at your disposal. The historical emblem of SOMATRA is a small beaver, an animal known for its perseverance , sense of duty and organization . Whether at sea, on land or in the air, the beaver adapts to build ever more ingenious solutions. And adjusting to your needs, with our tools, to guarantee the success of your transport operations, that is our mission.
Conscientious and persevering, the beaver is considered a true engineer , recognized for his mastery of the most complex works . This tireless builder also has a great sense of organization.
Given its excellent adaptability , it swims like a fish in water, however varied the environment: the more diversified the biotope, the more the beaver feels at ease there. Curious and inventive , he constantly explores new territories and his ingenuity overcomes all obstacles.
Despite his independent spirit, he remains faithful to his family, whose well-being he takes to heart. Which makes it, for young and old, naturally friendly.